
Mom is still receiving excellent care at Baycrest. Her nurse, Allan, is great. He calls Mom his girlfriend, and tells her she's gorgeous. Her doctor is also very patient and listens to Mom and Dad's questions and concerns during his morning visits. Since she's been admitted to Baycrest, her pain medication has more than doubled, which is making her very drowzy, and sometimes confused. Just yesterday, the dietician changed her over to a puree diet to make feeding her a little easier. Even though Mom seems to be confused sometimes, it sounds like she was really aware yesterday afternoon when Pastor Scott, Mrs. Scott and her friend Diane were in to visit. Everyone joined in singing some hymns, and Mom was saying she has nothing to fear because she is leaning on Jesus.
Dad finally had his hernia operation on Tuesday at the Lindsay Hospital. Sounds like it was a good experience, as he doesn't remember going under, or even waking up after the operation. He had to ask the nurse when they were going to get started, and then was told it was already over. He's hobbling around a bit, but I think he'll be okay in no time. Even though we're so close, I think that I'll be chauffeuring him to and from Baycrest for the next week or so.
While Dad was out of commission, my Auntie Edith, Heather and I tried to beef up our visiting hours with Mom so she wouldn't be alone. My Aunt especially spent a lot of time at the hospital, or looking after Lily and Ella for me so I could visit with Mom by myself. Thanks so much!!! :)
In other news... my friend Jaime and I have been busy working our way through the first two seasons of Veronica Mars, which were lent to us from Krista and Kim in Calgary when they were visiting over the Christmas break. I promised that I would only watch the show with Jaime, and not go ahead, but curiosity got the best of me and while we were in the middle of the first season I skipped to the last episode to see who-done-it. Before you tar and feather me for breaking my promise... I confessed to Jaime in the morning, and she forgave me. What a great friend! For season two, I've been good and keep the DVD's tucked away so I'm not tempted. We only have five more episodes to go... which I think we'll finish on Monday night. If you've never watched Veronica Mars, I would highly recommend it. You really should watch it in order, but you'll catch on quickly if you just watch when it is regularly scheduled on tv. It's mysterious, funny, and smart. You'll love it for sure... and you'll be tempted to skip to the last DVD too!
Tonight, Brad and I (as long as I can get rid of my shift at work) are off to an information meeting about the French Immersion program offered for Lily next year. I think she'll pick it up pretty quickly. She seems to be really interested in other languages. Her Spanish words have been thanks to Dora The Explorer, her Uncle Drew and Auntie Heather. She knows her colours, numbers and even a couple of songs in Spanish. My friend from work, Diana, is from Colombia, and Lily will practice her Spanish out on her, "Hola Miss Diana". Diana has even given Lily some Spanish colouring pages for her. For a while Lily would only watch her Madagascar movie in Spanish... thank goodness for English subtitles! Lily has also learned how to count to 5 in Chinese, so she thinks that she's fluent. What a funny kid!
Normally I have a picture go with my blogs, but I've covered a couple different topics. Here's my favorite pic of my Dad and Lily tickling each other.
Over and out.
Labels: Dad Norman, Family, Friends, Mom Norman
thanks pam, that was a great update.
praying for you guys.
Hey, Grandpa Norman! Have I a story to tell you about little Granddaughters. Grandpa B, many, years ago was wrestling on the floor with 2 of our Granddaughters.
Then there's Cassie who's 2 and watching all that is going on. Then Grandma B gets into it and tells the girls where Grandpa is ticklish. So they started tickling him. Cassie had all she could take, jumped off the couch, grabbed Grandpa by the neck and shook him and said, "mister, you're in big
trouble." Who would think a 2 year old would come up with that? Now,
Ella is coming up to 2, so I would
watch myself if I were you. The girls are small but mighty. :} love, Don and Pat
Don and I just received word about your Mom. We have prayed that Jesus would spare her further suffering. She is now safe with Him. We know that this is going to be a very difficult time for all of you, but you can be sure that we are upholding all of you in prayer. We loved her so very much. She was like having a Sister and we will miss her very much.
With all of our love, Don and Pat
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