My long time friends, the Milec's, own a flower shop, "Flower Creations", downtown in the underground. As yesterday was Valentine's Day, you can imagine how busy they were. For the past two years, Jaime and I have helped serve the masses purchase their sweethearts flowers. A lot more goes into those Valentine flowers than you would think. Roses are in demand, so the prices are high, but behind the scene of the pretty displays, and smiling staff, there is a back room packed full of flowers (many I had never seen before). Here in the dark confines, my Dad, myself and another full time staffer at Flower Creations, Ilda, worked hard at stripping (Get your head out of the gutter! It means we were taking the thorns and extra leaves off the roses), cutting, quick dipping, water picking, tissue-ing, Salal-ing (green leaves), Baby's Breath-ing, boxing and sticker-ing. Then repeat a million more times. That's all before it even hits the store! Fun times.
As I said, my Dad volunteered his time for three days to prepare for Valentine's, a little more for a distraction I think than really having any kind of interest in flowers. I think he had a blast! Especially on the last day when he, Jaime and I were at the kiosk. The last hour or two, they normally slash their prices to get rid of their stock. Dad had the job of letting everyone know. As the herds of people were passing by they would hear, "DOZEN ROSES! HALF PRICE, ONLY $30!". He did this over and over again until he lost his voice. His voice was still a little hoarse this past weekend when I went up to visit him. You wouldn't think that flowers would tucker you out at the end of the day, but as soon as Dad sat down on the subway on the way home, he was out.
Speaking of flowers, there were lots at my Mom's funeral, many sent from you. It was a beautiful service, and many people were able to come the distance to support us. Because the Oscars are coming up this Sunday, the award for best friends goes tooooo..... Krista Powell, Kim Powell and Jaime Simpson!!! Krista came from Calgary for an extended weekend to be with me. I guess I'm thankful that she's unemployed right now and was able to make the trip... although while she was here I was able to recommend Starbucks as a possible future employer. Kim wasn't able to be here because of a previous commitment, but I believe that she's the reason Krista was able to come out in the first place. Jaime, because she is so close, was able to be with me a lot, and even came to the hospital to visit with my Mom. More than anything, it was the both of us visiting and knitting, Mom was sleeping. Thanks a million girls!
I must also give honourable mention to Nolan Milec, who lent his car to Jaime for the weekend so that her and Krista were able to travel to the funeral. Now, it was also fortunate that he had to get rid of his car to make room for all the Valentine's flowers in their make shift garage/flower freezer. But I believe it was mostly out of the goodness of his heart. This is the same guy I was talking about a few posts ago... still single ladies!!!
Another honourable mention goes to my in-laws, who became a bed and breakfast not only for Brad, Lily, Ella and I, but also to Jaime and Krista. We talked a lot about knitting, and looked through the new pattern book Mom Sider had just bought. After every one had gone to bed, the girls and I had some fun trying on a fur hat we found in the closet. That was way too much fun! Jaime and Krista had their own adventures on the Friday as they toured Lindsay for the afternoon. You'll have to read about that on Jaime's blog.
Okay, I think that catches everyone up to date. Over and out.
Labels: Dad Norman, Flower Creations, Friends, Mom Norman